My Career Ambitions

Until recently I have looked at many different areas to work in, but when I first studied programming last year I felt that I had discovered the career path I want to follow. When I first learnt programming I thought it really matched my skills and is something I really enjoyed from the start, so any career in programming such as software development is what I am looking to get into, and possibly even gaming, web, or app development in the future.

Computing is an industry that is always changing and so there are a wide variety of areas that I could work in. Because of this I think it is important that I keep my options open and therefore allow me to work in some of the exciting new technologies to come. Maybe one thing for me to consider is to not stay in one area for too long so that I can work in other areas that I hope to enjoy.

My first goal is to graduate with a high grade degree and of course I am aiming for a first honours degree from Coventry University. From this I will be making my first step into a role, hopefully in programming, to give me the required experience to take into my career.  I then hope to move on in the industry, and look at my options in the future. Once I have gained a few years of experience in computing, I intend to look at specific industries I would like to work in. This will be something I will consider in more detail when the time comes, but at the moment I hope for my career to eventually be involved in either the gaming or app development industry. However, computing and IT is needed across all types of industry these days, so maybe in the future it will give me the opportunity to work in a wide variety of jobs.

I believe it is important for me to keep focused on my goals so that I can achieve many things in my career. By setting out my ambitions early on it will allow me to aim for what I want to achieve and also mean that I have a clear pathway to take, and understand the goals I need to reach for.

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